As pet parents, our vigilance is crucial—it’s empowering. While regular wellness visits are important, our keen observation can truly make a difference. There are instances when unexpected issues arise, and our awareness of the signs can enable us to act promptly. Here are six common reasons your dog might need to see the vet for more than wellness care and the signs to be vigilant for. Being proactive and vigilant can significantly affect our pets’ health.

Gastrointestinal Upsets: Like humans, dogs can experience tummy troubles. Whether it’s due to dietary indiscretion (eating something they shouldn’t have), sudden changes in diet, or underlying health issues, gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea are common reasons for vet visits. It’s essential to monitor your dog’s behavior and diet closely. Notice lethargy, excessive drooling, or straining to defecate? These can be early signs that your pet’s GI tract is unhappy, and it’s of utmost importance to seek veterinary care promptly.

Skin Problems: Dogs often develop various skin issues, especially in environments like Amarillo, TX, where the temperature, wind, and seasons fluctuate. These problems usually start as minor symptoms like discomfort, itching and scratching, licking and chewing, and redness or irritation of the paws and(or) belly. Regularly grooming and monitoring your dog’s skin for changes can catch problems early and prevent them from worsening. This simple act of care can significantly affect your pet’s health. So, make their day and rub their tummy for a bit longer. While you’re down there, look for any signs of skin irritation. They’ll thank you for it regardless.

Ear Infections: Those stinky, itchy ear infections are a common problem in dogs, especially in breeds (or mixes) with floppy ears or spend time playing or working in water (think Golden Retrievers, Basset Hounds, and other hound dogs). Symptoms may include head shaking, scratching at the ears, redness, odor, and discharge. Pets with allergies and other skin conditions may be more prone to developing ear infections. If you notice a slight head tilt or your dog is starting to rub their ears against you or the couch, don’t panic. Prompt veterinary attention is necessary, and it’s the best way to prevent ear infections from becoming chronic or causing more significant problems like ruptured eardrums and hematomas. Remember, you’re not alone; our veterinarians are here to help.

Orthopedic Injuries: Dogs are active creatures, and just like us, they can suffer from orthopedic injuries such as fractures, sprains, and ligament tears. These injuries can occur due to accidents, overexertion, or underlying conditions like arthritis. If your dog enjoys doing parkour in the house or yard, has an active lifestyle, and starts limping, favoring a limb, or showing signs of pain, it’s essential to have them evaluated by a veterinarian. These dogs can also benefit from preventative maintenance with bone and joint supplements.

Dental Issues: Dogs often have dental problems like pain, difficulty eating, and systemic health issues. Like us people, routine dental care is essential to your dog’s full body health. Routinely brushing your dog’s teeth and providing dental chews can help prevent dental problems. Still, prophylactic dental cleanings are vital to help maintain the health of your pets’ gums and teeth. Noticing signs of dental disease, such as ‘gross kisses’ (bad breath), swollen gums, or tartar buildup? A trip to see one of our veterinarians is a good idea.

Respiratory Infections: Dogs can develop respiratory infections such as kennel cough or pneumonia, especially if they spend time in close quarters with other dogs. Symptoms may include coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and lethargy. These common ‘respiratory symptoms’ can also be a sign of more nefarious conditions like heart disease and heart failure. If you notice these symptoms, prompt examination by a veterinarian is important.

While routine wellness check-ups are essential for keeping your dog healthy, it’s also empowering to be aware of the signs and symptoms of common health problems that may require a trip to the vet. By staying vigilant and seeking veterinary care when needed, you’re taking proactive steps to keep every furry family member happy and healthy for many more years.