Swann Animal Clinic Senior Pet Health

_MG_6573We are committed to ensuring a long and healthy life for your senior pet. Read below to learn more!

Your veterinarian is your pet’s advocate, and they will make every effort to maintain the best possible quality of life and health for your pet.

As your pet grows older, they may need some extra TLC. Since each year for a dog or cat is the equivalent of five to seven human years, it is important that your pet receives a wellness examination annually, at a minimum. By age seven, they are considered a senior member of the community, and more frequent exams are recommended. The accelerated aging of a pet resulting in a shorter life span for animals compared to humans means that a pet’s health can change dramatically in a very short period of time.

The aging process applies to animals and people in the same way. Associated changes naturally occur in behavior, anatomy, and physiology. Your Swann Animal Clinic veterinary team will pay careful attention to your older pet’s orthopedic status, cardiovascular system, and ophthalmic condition.

Our veterinarians will discuss with you the normal developmental processes of your aging pet and any diagnosed deviations from what is considered within normal limits. They may also recommend appropriate blood tests for the older adult and suggestions for the use of products that can be of benefit.