Looking for a place you’ll learn and grow? Swann Animal Clinic is proud to offer multiple student opportunities. These vary from high school and undergraduate shadowing all the way to fourth-year veterinary student externship and veterinary technician student opportunities.

9You’ll Learn About

Patient advocacy, client communication, diagnostics, emergency, and critical care, imaging, leadership, managing cases, medicine, public health, research, surgery, specialty services, and more!

quoteWhen You Want To Walk Fast, Walk Alone. When You Want To Walk Far, Walk Together.

Available Opportunities

Our high school student internships are generally operated through the Amarillo AMTECH orPRO programs. However, if you are interested in veterinary medicine, would like to gain valuable knowledge and experience working with animals and people, or maybe you want to find out if veterinary medicine is really for you, we encourage you to fill out our student internship form.
For pre-vet, animal science, and other agriculture, wildlife, and biological degrees, experience in handling animals and/or in veterinary medicine can be crucial in your degree and career plans. We are happy to offer our college students opportunities to learn about veterinary medicine. If you are interested in an internship, please fill out our student internship form. If you are interested in working within our facility as a college student, please visit our careers page.
Hands-on experience is required for most veterinary technology programs. If you are currently enrolled in one of these programs and would need assistance or access to machines, supplies, experience, and technology, we are happy to provide you with an internship. Additionally, some students prefer long-term hands-on experience and are actively seeking employment in this career field. If you are interested in a learning opportunity, please fill out our student internship interest form. If you are interested in a career at Swann Animal Clinic, please visit our careers page.

Student Opportunities Form

Do you participate in any extracurricular activities?
Please Provide 3 References