Swann Animal Clinic Puppy & Kitten Wellness

_MG_6337We are committed to ensuring a long and healthy life for your pup/kitten. Read below to learn more!

Your veterinarian is your pet’s advocate, and they will make every effort to maintain the best possible quality of life and health for your pet.

The initial examination that your puppy or kitten receives from your veterinarian is critical to its well-being and long-term health. Your doctor will pay particular attention to the proper growth and development of the eyes, ears, teeth, tooth enamel, skin, nails, and internal organs. Each youngster will be checked for hereditary or nutritional deficits and the absence of external parasites.

Puppies and kittens receive natural immunity against many diseases within the first few hours of life from their mother’s milk, the colostrum, but this protection is short-lived. Your doctor will recommend a vaccination program that will protect your puppy or kitten against the many serious, life-threatening diseases to which young animals are susceptible.

Kittens are tested for viral diseases and vaccinated to prevent calicivirus, chlamydia, distemper, leukemia, rhinotracheitis, and rabies.

Laboratory tests to ensure your little friend is free of internal parasites (which also can be transmitted to humans) will be recommended.